Thursday 16 April 2009

Game Over

After a long week and a half of eking out an extra ten points here and there in AirBattle and venturing far into the perplexing realms of Whaa, we have found a winner of the first double gamed Hall tournament! Interestingly, the winner did not achieve the highest score in both games. Anyway, without further ado, let's see who won! (After a top ten countdown of course :P)

ryanh9513 6475060
Soro99 14215500
Darcouth 15022800
Payton_Hayes 20163360
Xymnala 33375960
Kyriva 40550400
PR2_STORY 48216640
zachkenobi 59354880
Zelja 154196460

And the winner is, with 155285100 points, elldaman311! Double kongratulations to him for his victory!

Week 1 scores.
Week 2 scores.

If I have missed out anybody, or calculated your score wrongly, please leave a comment by clicking where it says '[a number] comments' below.

1 comment:

PR2_STORY said...

Yeh I come 4th wow I never noticed the dirst time I looked.....yay me..