Monday, 6 April 2009

To The Skies! (And Hopefully Staying There)

It has been a while since the last tournament, so here's one with a bit of a twist. This time it will last for a week and a half (or maybe more, make comments below!), and have two games, the second of which will be announced later this week. We have yet to decide which game should be the second one, but have some ideas - suggest what type of game (sidescroller, puzzle etc.) you'd like in the comments too (after a month of posts with no comments, I'll be really peeved if there aren't any for this one >:( ).

To get everyone warmed up, first up is AirBattle by EvgenyKarataev! Fly around, collect coins, avoid spiky stuff and shoot other stuff - oh, and get as high a score as is (super)humanly possible ;)

Highscores for this game will be counted from now until the tournament ends (announced along with the second game), so there is more than a week to work on perfecting each level. If you feel you are in the need for a break, why not have a look at other games by the same developer?

Final scores will be combined from the scores in the two games by multiplying them together, so look forward to some massive numbers. In the mean time - good luck and have fun!


PR2_STORY said...

I'm soo gonna win this tounament...until ellda gets online..... hmm other games for touney should maybe be puzzle but I don't know what one..

PR2_STORY said...

woohoo just entered high scores all time!!! 1250 atm!

PR2_STORY said...

wait 13560*

Anonymous said...

Well Pr2 Im ellda And im online.
Also a suggestion for the challenge later on could be Pop-Pirates a fun shooter game with power ups galore.


PR2_STORY said...

Ellda have you beaten my score? I got it up alot last night and I think I have a chance of winning...


PR2_STORY said...

btw..Xymn doesn't count as a person so he can't win...

Anonymous said...

agreed xym doesnt count, i found the spot, now i have to go find some dumb game without badges so i can put something here, lol

Anonymous said...

Yeah,those anonymous posts are dar,he calls lots of games "dumb games with badges"